Tuesday, April 23, 2013

4-22-13 Storm Chase

Targeted the Woodward Ok area in a slight risk issued by the SPC. Made it to Woodward OK about 3pm or so and waited a while until storms formed right on top of me. They were high based and fizzled out fairly quickly. Storms fired up along the KS border, but it was getting late and I wouldn't get there in time for daylight visibility. I noticed a few cells initiating in the NE TX Panhandle moving to the SE. I made it to Shattuck OK and witnessed a nice sculpted supercell with a decent lowering. I Intercepted the storm near Arnett and got winds of 50mph and hail that was no bigger than dimes. I let the storm pass to the east and was treated with a sunlit updraft and anvil. Quite a nice chase if I say so myself!

                                          ABOVE: STORM NEAR SHATTUCK OK
                                          ABOVE: BACKSIDE OF STORM SOUTH OF ARNETT OK
                                          ABOVE: SUN GLISTENING ON UPDRAFT AND ANVIL SOUTH OF ARNETT OK

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